Preserves the layout of your original office document
Upload your document and we'll instantly translate it for you while preserving its delicate layout. Your document's text is extracted taking special care in maintaining the exact format and styling of each section.
Doc Translator uses the awesome power of Google Translate to translate your documents. Why re-invent the wheel? Doc Translator relies on the ever-improving abilities of the Google Translate service to process the text from your documents and return it in the language you need.
The translated text is re-inserted into your document, preserving the original layout. No more copy/pasting text in and out of your documents. Doc Translator intelligently grabs and then re-inserts text exactly where it belongs.
Upload your original document
Google Translate performs the translation
Download your translated document
We support all major office document formats. Upload your document in one of these formats and we'll handle the rest.
As part of our mission to create a world where everyone can belong, we help connect more than 300 million Arabic, and Hebrew-speakers with support for right-to-left (RTL) languages - including enhanced support of cursive scripts, rendering of complex text layouts, document layout mirroring, and text alignment for bidirectional languages.
Information is read from right to the left in right-to-left layouts.
Online Doc Translator now fully supports translations of the following right-to-left languages:
Every minute of every day companies and individuals around the globe rely on our service in order to better conduct business, communicate, and understand the world in which we live.
Helping to bring people together, regardless of language is our mission and we are proud of the part we're playing.
109 languages supported
12,031 featured articles world wide
200,188,317 documents translated since 2010
We try our very best to make cool things which people find useful. All over the world, every day, we help thousands of people save their valuable time through the use of our tools: